New Heat Treatment Facility for ALCOMET in Bulgaria

September 9th, 2024

Alcomet AD, a major manufacturer of aluminum products based in Bulgaria, recently completed an exciting collaboration with Gautschi Engineering GmbH, a member of the EBNER GROUP. This project involved the supply and installation of a Gautschi Compact Coil Furnace (CCF) that was specially designed to heat treat aluminum coils weighing up to 16 metric tons.

The Gautschi Compact Coil Furnace installed during the project is indirectly gas-heated, a technology that ensures even heat distribution and reduces the risk of thermal damage. Paired with a state-of-the-art combustion control system, this indirect heating system ensures optimal energy efficiency and reduced emissions.

The furnace also incorporates state-of-the-art automation systems that allow all furnace functions to be centrally monitored and controlled. Combined with the special design, these systems ensure that the energy consumption is much lower than that at the other types of single coil furnace available on the market. As a bonus, they also ensure that the consumption of process atmosphere during the heat treatment process is reduced.

Gautschi Compact Coil Furnace

Gautschi technical experts supervised installation of the furnace at Alcomet’s works, ensuring that assembly was efficient and correct. The installation phase also saw the furnace integrated into Alcomet’s existing production infrastructure.

The installation phase was followed by commissioning, which was also accompanied by Gautschi experts. The commissioning phase included operator training in addition to comprehensive performance testing, ensuring that the furnace operates perfectly at the requisite high level of performance.

The successful implementation of this project underlines Gautschi’s technical competence and strength in innovation, as well as its ability to develop and implement new industrial furnace technologies.

Gautschi would like to extend a special thanks to Alcomet for the excellent collaboration.